Mar 31, 2018
Using VPN is something of a must these days and if you really want to click ALL links and install everything that you want to test, is NOT advisable to do it from your working machine. So, I created a Virtual Machine(VM) for that job. BUT, I think I clicked TOO many...
Dec 17, 2017
After a little adventure with Virtualbox, which automatically turned some files from 5.1.xx to 5.2.xx, it was time to see what happened to the localhost…. Part of the PHP code appeared and of course did not work, at least completely. I first checked with the...
Nov 9, 2017
Here is how you can have a dynamic menu made out tag ul li inside DIVI Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Create 2 columns, one for the ul menu and one for image, slide show, or whatever you want to show/hide when clicking on the menu. Go at each image at the Advanced tab and...
Aug 3, 2017
You have to add the following snippet to functions.php file of your theme. The code was originally in this link but with the language code, like “en” for English, “gr” for Greece etc. The following code shows the language flag instead. function...
Mar 17, 2017
This is an easy function to add or remove months from a date in PHP. There is a limitation, you can only subtract up to 999 years, but you can change that by increasing the 12000 number in the code, to whatever you want to. function add_month($strbegin, $count) {...