This is an easy function to add or remove months from a date in PHP.
There is a limitation, you can only subtract up to 999 years, but you can change that by increasing the 12000 number in the code, to whatever you want to.

function add_month($strbegin, $count)
    $begin = new DateTime($strbegin . ” 00:00:00.0″);
    $end = clone $begin;
    if ($count > 0 )
        $end->modify(“+$count month”);
        while (abs(($begin->format(‘m’)+($count))%12) != $end->format(‘m’)%12)
            $end->modify(‘-1 day’);
        $end->modify(“$count month”);
        while (abs(($begin->format(‘m’)+12000+($count))%12) != $end->format(‘m’)%12)
            $end->modify(‘-1 day’);
    return $end;

examples of use:
echo add_month( ‘2016-01-31’, 1 )->format(‘Y-m-d’); // 2016-02-29
echo add_month( ‘2016-01-31’, -47 )->format(‘Y-m-d’); //2012-02-29